Vote Bobby Christian


Dedicated to Real Change

In a world often divided by rhetoric and political maneuvering, Bobby Christian stands out as a beacon of practicality and sincerity. Born and raised in the heart of District 2, Bobby understands the issues our community faces because he has lived them. He knows that what we need are not just promises, but real, tangible results.

Practical, Actionable Solutions

Bobby is committed to developing practical solutions that make a real difference. Whether it’s improving our schools, ensuring safer streets, or enhancing public health services, his plans are designed to bring about positive change from the ground up. “Real challenges need real solutions—not political rhetoric,” says Bobby. This philosophy drives every decision he makes, focusing on what truly matters: the everyday concerns of our residents.

A Leader Who Listens

What sets Bobby apart is his approach to leadership. He believes the best solutions come from listening—truly listening—to the people. As your Commissioner, Bobby pledges to be a leader who is accessible, transparent, and fully accountable to you. He is not here to advance a political agenda but to serve his community and make sure your voice is heard in every decision that affects our district.

Join Us

Join Bobby Christian in bringing practical, impactful change to Wayne County. Together, we can turn challenges into opportunities and rhetoric into results.

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Bobby Christian, 11878 E Warren, Detroit, MI, 313-279-7553